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Issue:  World Clean Water Shortages

An Average American uses up to 100 gallons of water every day.  Yet, 900 million people go without clean water at all.  For many of these people, even obtaining dirty water is a challenge.  Poor villagers in arid climates must often go on treks that take hours just to reach the nearest water source.  Once they have reached the water, they then must return with heavy packs of water on their backs.  Lack of proper sanitation affects even more people.  Half of all people in developing countries do not have proper sanitation.  5,500 children die every day from lack of adequate water sanitation.  Fortunately, there is hope if people like us band together to bring clean water to the impoverished people of the world. Organizations:

In-depth projects:

  • GO on a CHOICE Humanitarian expedition (week-long) that involves providing poor people around the world with clean water:  Choice
  • Go on an El Porvenir trip to Nicaragua to build wells and sanitation facilities:  Buildwells
  • Go on an Operation Crossroads Africa (OCA) trip to build a well:   WellsAfrica
  • Start a group at your school to bring clean water to people in need.  You can host fundraisers, donation drives, and awareness-raising campaigns
  • Host a fundraiser for clean water programs